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Term Deposits

With better interest rates than a savings account, term deposits help you make the most of your money during the length of the term.

Index Linked Term Deposits

Get a term deposit that's linked to the performance of the S&P/TSX 60 Index over the term, where your principal is guaranteed.

Close up of hand holding a set of house keys

First Home Savings Account

A new registered savings plan designed to help Canadians save for a down payment on their first home.
Young couple looking at tablet in the kitchen

​Registered Retirement Savings Plan

Investing in an RRSP is one of the smartest ways to not only save for your retirement, but to save on taxes. That can really mean more money now and more money later, and that’s a real win win. 

Happy senior couple sitting in chairs by tent at campsite

​Registered Retirement Income Fund

When you need to start getting income from your RRSP, then it’s time for a RRIF.  You’ll be able to minimize taxes by spreading your RRIF income over a number of years and the money that remains in your RRIF continues to grow tax-sheltered – just as it did in your RRSP.

Young couple managing finances, using laptop and calculator at home

Tax Free Savings Account

A great option for growing savings or to save for a large expense, like a renovation. You can access your funds at any time and the interest you earn is tax-sheltered, so you get every dollar earned.

Young student using a laptop outside campus

Registered Education Savings Plan

A government-approved plan to help you save for your child’s post-secondary education. All income earned in your RESP is sheltered from taxes until it’s withdrawn to pay for your child’s education, and the federal government offers a grant of up to $7,200 per child.

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