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Mobile phone and laptop displaying online banking

New Look, Familiar Experience

On August 9th, we introduced an updated design for our online banking and mobile app.

The refreshed design provides a more seamless user experience no matter which device you use, and many of the menus and features are found in the same place that you’re used to.

Learn more about the updated digital banking experience on each platform below.

Laptop displaying online banking

Online Banking

If you’re an Online Banking user, you’ll notice a refreshed login screen, however you’ll continue to login the same way that you are used to.  Once you are logged in, you’ll see a snapshot of your accounts, as well as any scheduled transactions.

You’ll notice that the main menu on the left still holds all of the same function options, but has been updated to make it clearer and easier to navigate.

The updated layout of the screens provides an overall better user experience, and regardless of the device you are using, the responsive design means that it’s easy to do your online banking on any screen size.

Mobile phone displaying online banking

Mobile App

Mobile App users will also see a refreshed login screen, and as with online banking, the way that you login remains unchanged. You’ll notice a larger Quickview area, which you can customize to feature three accounts of your choice for easy balance checks.

Android users now have the option to set up fingerprint ID for a simpler, more secure login from their mobile device.

The functionality of the app will feel very familiar, with easier navigation and increased speed for a better mobile banking experience.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, you will continue to login the same way that you are used to and your Personal Access Code (PAC) will not change.

No, your Saved Login Profile (Memorized Account) will not have to be re-created.

On August 9th, you will automatically experience the updated version of Online Banking when you login.

If you already have the Sudbury Credit Union Mobile app installed on your device and you have enabled automatic updates for apps, then, on August 9th, your Sudbury Credit Union Mobile app will be automatically updated.

If you already have the Sudbury Credit Union Mobile app installed on your device and you have disabled automatic updates for apps, then, after August 9th, you will have to install the update. Visit the app store on your device, search for Sudbury Credit Union mobile app, and click the Update button.